We have dealer arrangements with most importers and manufactures of paragliding and powered paragliding gear. Paramotor gear packages range in price from just under $7,000 to well over $10,000. Contact us for the latest equipment prices.
We are happy to compete with any advertised price out there and offer the same “package deals” at the same prices that you see advertised by major manufactures and dealers. We also provide excellent pricing on gear for our past customers.
Complete USPPA PPG1 through PPG2 training is $1,800 if you buy your gear through Wisconsin Powered Paraglider or $2,500 with your gear.
We also offer USPPA PPG3 advanced flight instruction for pilots who are preparing to attend an instructor clinic or who are already advanced USHGA paraglider pilots looking to add paramotoring to there resume. Rates are $200 per day.
We highly recommend that you take an introductory lesson before you commit to buying gear to make sure paramotoring is right for you.
Introductory lessons are $100 and gear is provided. You can apply 100% of the cost of all introductory lessons toward complete USPPA PPG2 training with Wisconsin Powered Paraglider.