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Wisconsin Paramotor & Powered Paragliding Training

What is included?

The standard course is to learn the ins and outs of Powered Paragliding from a USPPA instructor at a full time training facility:

When entering into training with Wisconsin Powered Paraglider you be come a member of the group and a lifetime member through training.

Training can be done as you come and time allows (one working session or one weekend) or in a straight 7 to 10 day course.

The Powered Paragliding Course provides the skills and knowledge you need to confidently fly on your own. Learn about your equipment, launching, and landing! Get the fundamentals of maintenance, weather, and many other tricks that would take years to learn on your own. Only 3 students are allowed per instructor. Space is limited. Call for reservations.

We also offer refresher courses to all of our students. Give us a call and spend a day or more working with our instructors to get you over whatever hurdle you need practice with. We will be here for you now and in the future.

The goal of the beginner training course is to provide the student with the skills and knowledge to set up the equipment, properly ground handle the paraglider, launch and land with instructor’s assistance and to reach the goal of flying without the instructor’s assistance in just a few days. The student will learn all aspects of Powered Paragliding including reverse & forward launches, tips and tricks, equipment maintenance, weather, flying techniques, and many other items that would normally take a student many years to learn on their own.

We have a lot of equipment to train on and offer equipment rental (additional cost per student plan).

The following are just a few of the items covered during this beginner course:

  1. Review and understanding of the equipment.
  2. Review of the various parts of the paraglider wing and what they do and why.
  3. Learn to put on harness and adjust for comfort and proper usage and safety.
  4. Proper reverse wing launch and techniques for 5 to 10-mph winds.
  5. Proper forward launch techniques for 0 to 5 MPH.
  6. Beginner ground handling of the wing. Inflation of the wing and learning to control right and left brake toggles. (practice, practice, practice)
  7. Control of the wing in reverse position and turn to forward launch position.
  8. Multiple advanced ground handling techniques such as: high wind launches, low wind launches, ground handling without a harness, weight shift ground handling, fast deflation of wing, safety techniques, upside down inflation to clean wing, etc..
  9. Reverse launches simulated without engine.
  10. Forward launches simulated without engine.
  11. Forward and reverse launches with weighted simulator on back.
  12. Powered winch tows for first off ground experience.
  13. Engine on back ground handling.
  14. Simulator training to master flying without ever leaving the ground.
  15. Harness techniques, getting into the harness while in flight, to proper in seat flight position, weight shift techniques.
  16. Complete discussion of first solo flight, launch technique, course directions to follow, throttle adjustments, turns and landing procedures.
  17. Preflight inspection and warming up of the engine.
  18. Solo flight, launch, altitude, seat, turns, flying, landing.
  19. More flying to reach the goal of flying without instructor’s assistance.
  20. Basic engine maintenance, oil gas mixtures, spark plug gaps, cleaning of engine etc.
  21. Basic wing maintenance, folding, and care of wing.
  22. Discussion of safe flying conditions and areas to fly. (Review of part 103 of FAA regulation pertaining to ultralights.)
  23. Review of the various equipment options available on the market.
  24. Receive the USPPA training certificate/ratings.

Advanced Training Course

The goal of this course is to increase the PPG pilot’s knowledge and skills to equal several years of weekend flying in only a few days. The advanced course covers: flying with other pilots, cross country flights, in flight advanced skills such as: big ears, low to the ground flying, spot landing, fine tuning both ground handling skills and in flight skills. This course typically requires that the student own and flies his own equipment during the course.


Ask about training payment plan (contractual paying costs as you go)

With the purchase of a equipment package from Wisconsin Powered Paraglider

Quad Training                                                   $1600                                            

Foot Launch Training                                        $1800 

With the purchase of a equipment package and use of rental loaner equipment  from Wisconsin Powered Paraglider

Quad Training                                                   $2000                                            

Foot Launch Training                                        $2200  

Without the purchase of a equipment package (bring your own gear)

Quad Training                                                   $2600                  

Foot Launch Training                                        $2800                   

Refresher Course Available                        negotiated rates

Daily and Hourly Rates are Available       (can be negotiated / typically $33 per hour / $300 per day) 

Free Lifetime Membership

We offer equipment to train on and equipment rental ($400 additional cost to student plan).

If you find these costs or rates are not acceptable for you, it is negotiable to a rate of equal value with competition.

We aim to give the best value for time and money.

Here is a few of the sites available to train and fly from.






